We need your support

Make a meaningful difference in our community by supporting Talk A Mile.

We believe in the power of dialogue and shared experiences to break down barriers and create lasting connections. 

Walk. Talk. Listen. Learn.

Your generous donations will support our programs and operations, which enable young Black leaders and local police trainees to engage in open conversations.

According to participants, these important conversations promote understanding, empathy, and collaboration. They are the first steps – literally and figuratively – towards a safer community where everyone can live, work and thrive.

Our strategic plan is to go deeper in Portland, growing and fine-tuning our model. Then we will go wider, expanding to new cities.

Will you take the next step with us?

We are very grateful for contributions of any amount. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, all donations to Talk A Mile using EIN #85-3441159 are tax deductible, secure, and processed via PayPal.